___ _.-- B e a r . A n t h r o C h a t . N e t
/ \.____.-' This European server is in London, UK
| /\ ;' .--.
| \' .' / ,. \ To get help /join #Anthrochat
`\_.` | \ \ |
| `. `' / Visit https://anthrochat.net/
/ `\ ]
;_ \ ; EU furs use irc.eu.anthrochat.net
]o _ :; UK furs use irc.uk.anthrochat.net
.' o`\ ||
/ ;' Please read the /rules, and have fun!
/_ .'
|..; .' We do SSL on ports 6697 and 6601!
\/ __...---' Non-SSL ports are 6667, 7000 and 7667
\___.'; /'
//:::/ ./. Cute ASCII bear drawn by Foxdie, many thanks to him!
\`--',/` \
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Welcome to CHEETAH.AnthroChat.net - Chicago, IL, USA |.:o888.o8o. "866o9888o
| :888.o8888. "88."89".
Server Admin: Cheetah Local op: Rustitobuck |. 89 888888 "88":.
|:. '8888o
For more information, please visit: | . "8888..
https://anthrochat.net | 888888o.
| "888889,
/\_..._/\ H u s k y . A n t h r o C h a t . N e t
|/ \_/ \| This European server is in London's Docklands
| o.-.o |
\ ( O ) / To get help /join #Anthrochat
/'--U--'\ Our web site: https://anthrochat.net/
| .:. | /\
| /:;:\ |` / Please read the /rules, and have fun!
| |:;:| |-'
jgs / |'-'| \ We do SSL on ports 6697 and 6601!
`""` `""`
Please /motd lion.* to read the latest network information.
ASCII husky pup from http://www.geocities.com/SoHo/7373/petsdogs.htm
.cC>ccc, Welcome to LION.AnthroChat.net
.<CCCCCCC>C>, Orlando, FL, USA
_,--- `<CCCCC cC><<<Cc,.
,-',cCCCCCc,`CCC'> `--;`<> Server Admin: Simba
,!',<CCC>>'''<<<,CCC ` `> <; .<> Local Opers: Bobby,Harik
<!! cCCC>, >`,c$$cc,,` $$c`':`C -<
;!!!- CCCC> ,$$$P" _"?$$$$$$F,,,.",' For more information,
;',-><CCCC> ,$$$$ cF ?,$$$$$, '-Cx please visit:
! >< CC>' ,d$$$$$c_-``-"$$$$$$$cc,`<>, https://anthrochat.net/
;!;',C',/ d$$$$$$$$$$$$$$,"",,,,"??), C>,
<!! c','', $$$$$$$$$$$$$$F<c, - `CC, , CCC>, Help Channel:
!!!.C',<( C $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$cc,`,c$.CCCCC, #AnthroChat
<!!! <> ,C> C 3?$$$$$$$$$$$F<$$$$$$PF ??'CCCCCCC
;!!!><C <CC> CC. $$$$$$$$$$$F<$$P",cc$$$bc`CCCCCC SSL port: 6697
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!!!! <CCCCCCC<C>; ?" ;!>;!!! ?$$$$$$$$$$$$F<C>,CC
`!!!>`CCCCCCCCCC,> <!!>`!!!!>`""??$??""" ,C',CCC Don't forget to read
!!!> CCCCCCCCCCCcC,-,`'!!!',;!!',CCCCCCC>',<CCC> the /rules
`!!!!!> `CCCCCCCCCC'<CCCCCCCCCCC'<C> ,!'' `<!!>
- ASCII Art by Allen Mullen
This server is running UnrealIRCd. It's quite different than Bahamut,
so you may want to read through
http://www.vulnscan.org/UnrealIrcd/unreal32docs.html ;
the sections regarding cloaking, user modes, and channel modes
in particular.
If any questions or problems come up, ask in #AnthroChat or send an
e-mail to admins@anthrochat.net.
Welcome to...
_ _
___ | |_| |_ ___ _ __
/ _ \| __| __/ _ \ '__|
| (_) | |_| || __/ | _
\___/ \__|\__\___|_| (_) AnthroChat.net
| Admin: BlueOtter |
.-"""-. Fifteen men on a dead | IrcOps: Odious |
/ o\ / man's chest!!! | Help: /join #AnthroChat |
| o 0).-. | Info: www.anthrochat.net |
| .-;(_/ .-. | SSL Port: 6697 |
\ / /)).---._| `\ , |----------------------------------|
'. ' /(( `'-./ _/| | |
\ .' ) .-.;` / | Don't just ask for Anthrochat... |
'. | `\-' | demand 'OTTER.anthrochat.net', |
'._ -' / | the hub of the West! |
``""--`------` |----------------------------------.
Play nice, and remember to read the /rules
_ _
___ _ __ _____ _| | ___ ___ _ __ __ _ _ __ __| |
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| (_| | | | | |_| | | | | | (_) | (__| | | | (_| | |_ _| | | | __/ |_
\__,_|_| |_|\__|_| |_|_| \___/ \___|_| |_|\__,_|\__(_)_| |_|\___|\__|
Location: Los Angeles, California
Admins: Mirage (mirage@snowmeow.com)
KojakWolf (kojak@kojakwolf.com)
Ports: 6667, 7000, 7667
Secure: 6697, 6601
Welcome to Anthrochat! :: Uncensored. Unmoderated. Freedom.
For help join #anthrochat or email the admins at admins@anthrochat.net
Find us online at: https://www.anthrochat.net
Be sure to read the /rules.
This server runs UnrealIRCd for more information on Channel Modes,
User Modes, Cloaking, etc... check out the documentation here:
== We personally would like to thank -you- for choosing AnthroChat! ==